
means that
money is squeezed by food recycling.
Food waste have many problems. It causes bad smell, dirty viewing.
We create light food waste by using $queeze food disposer in no bad smell, no noise. We always think people’ healthy, so our goal is to make a good environment for both people and nature. We also hold environmental event such as planting tree.
June 1st 2012 ‘Pay as you throw food waste’
program starts to implement.
This program makes people are interested in a food waste
recycling machinery.
Business consumer
CEO Clean.Kim
Clean Kim’ Bio
Residence : Seoul in Korea
Education : Bechelor’s degree -
Sungkyunkwan Univ.
Clean Kim is CEO of $queeze .
The business item came from his experience.
He lived apart from one’s own family in his school years.
When he throw away food waste, it was not easy.
The street view was unpleasant because of bad smell, dirty view.
So he decide food recycling disposer to the business item.
The business item came from his experience.
He lived apart from one’s own family in his school years.
When he throw away food waste, it was not easy.
The street view was unpleasant because of bad smell, dirty view.
So he decide food recycling disposer to the business item.
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